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Featured 30 Mar Ten core points for managing micro-business teams

Ten core points for managing micro-business teams

It\'s easy to build a micro-business team, but it\'s hard to manage. Many brands do not die in building teams, but in management. Today I will share with you the core of team management!


1. Clear institutions
The most important thing for a micro-business team is to clarify or readjust the organizational structure. The key to architecture is that it must be clear who is in what position and what content is responsible.

The so-called \"explicit\" means: two people are not allowed to cross responsibility! Collective leadership is also not allowed! Obscure areas are not allowed!

Something went wrong, and everyone knew who should come out and take responsibility. The results have been achieved, and it is clear whose credit is also clear.

2. Clear objectives
Leaders are not the ones who decide how to climb ladders! He was the one who decided which wall to put the ladder on.

Therefore, he must clearly point out this direction and convey it to all employees. If this is not done well, the best team will not come up with good results.

3. Without power, there is no responsibility
There is no such thing as letting the horses run and not letting the horses graze under the heavens.

You have clearly delegated your request, and you must clearly authorize and invest resources into him. Otherwise, the responsibility for the problem is not his, but yours.

An important responsibility of the boss is to solve problems that they cannot solve for their subordinates. And what you can provide is actually power and resources. Use them well.

4. Visualization
The team is big, and the biggest problem is: you can\'t see the problem.

Even if the team is still small, assembling a visual combination of tools and processes is a must. That way your team has enough scalability.

You don\'t really need to keep track of what everyone on your team is doing on a daily basis, but you need to have the ability to see that. In this way, you can grasp the first-hand material when something goes wrong. And team members know that his stuff \"may be seen,\" and the efficiency and quality of execution will improve.

Visualization also means \"symmetry of information\". All of the tools and processes above ensure that team members learn \"what\'s new in the project\" at the lowest possible cost. Guarantee fast and accurate responses.

5. Flattening
Do things on, don\'t set too many levels. Make sure that the person in charge of any one thing can directly find the person who can make a decision.

6. Segmentation and proper intermediate result checking
Segmenting a large project into multiple time points for inspection can effectively manage risk.

Make sure the results you check are not fictitious. A visible, preferably touchable product must be required. Introducing some agile management methods guarantees this.

7. Request commitments in advance
One of the often overlooked points in management is that team members are not asked for commitment in advance. A \"task laid down from above\" is often not done well. A project that \"promises to do well upwards\" is different. Although it is likely to be the same thing.

8. Don\'t try to change a person
People are not immutable, but they are often not costly appropriate in the company.

If a person does not do well in his post, even if he is capable, it is useless not to play it. Let the right people do the right things.

9. For results, no excuses
There are only two outcomes to the work: it\'s done, or it\'s not done.

If it doesn\'t work out, what I want to hear is what the loss is? Is there a remedy? What help do I need?

As for why you messed up, what dog blood was in the middle? Don\'t report it to me. There is no point in reporting these things afterwards.

10. Continuous improvement
\"Improvement\" is one of the cores of Toyota\'s management approach. The world is changing rapidly, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Observe the team, identify problems, and keep improving.