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Featured 31 Mar How to bring a micro-business team?

How to bring a micro-business team?

Many micro-businesses from the beginning of a person to the current team in operation, some hundreds of people team, more than thousands of people, a number of micro-business star teams emerged at a time. And to do micro-business, people who can really make money have a group of very strong teams, because one person cannot be big, especially in the micro-business industry. So how can we create a group of passionate and selling power of the bullish micro-business team? A micro-business team with a monthly flow of tens of millions?

1. A good micro-business team name
Products need brands, and teams need the same, so each of us should give the team a team name that is easy to remember, loud, and has positive energy. People will think of you when they hear the name of your team. Why do I have a team name? Easy to spread, can attract more excellent people to join your array. For example, you can design your brand, make it into banners and banners, your team gatherings, participate in some large conferences can be lit up, can play a role in multiple communication, in the circle of friends a publicity role.

2. A charismatic leader
A team leader is important, just like a country, a company, the leader determines the country, some of the development prospects of this company. As the leader of the micro-business team, there must be a certain appeal, influence and appeal, and there must be that kind of leading role. The following team members will follow your example, take you as a goal, and follow you and follow you with absolute obedience. As the soul of the whole team, the main backbone, if you are not doing a good job, what do we talk about to lead everyone, and why should people talk to you?

3. Set an example and set a benchmark
I create some role models and benchmarks in the team, create a healthy competitive atmosphere, and bring the whole team to life. Take Taobao, for example, every year\'s double 11, will hold some big brands, or some new brands, package and mythologize them, so that you can attract more companies, more brands to join Tmall. So once there are some agents in the team who are doing very well, or the progress is very fast, it is worth learning, and it is necessary to carry out packaging publicity. In this way, you can learn from each other internally, and you can also form an atmosphere of catching up with each other, which is of great help to enhance the competitiveness of the team.

4. Team culture
The company has no culture and is not called a company, and the team is not called a team without culture. So we believe that if we want to build a team with combat effectiveness, we must have culture. For example, team slogans, team slogans, team gatherings, team spirit, team management systems and so on. When there are not many people, it is better, and once there are more people, such as using culture and formulation to manage, so that there is efficiency and passion. The team is to use the common values, in order to have cohesion, in order to go far!

5. Constantly cheer up the team
No matter which team it is, at a certain time, it will be tired, lack of morale, and no passion, so we must often cheer up the team, which is also what we often call playing chicken blood, or charging. This is definitely not formalism, it is very important. We often have to organize meetings to give them some positive energy, some good news from the team, to stimulate them, to make them have confidence in the team, in the product. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of ten thousand people blocking, you are afraid of surrendering yourself, and if a person loses even his confidence, then he will not be saved at all!

6. Incentive Policies
In addition to some verbal incentives, we also have some practical rewards, such as sending mobile phones, sending travel, monthly awards, quarterly awards, red envelopes for new year\'s festivals, team members\' birthdays, weddings and directional red envelopes. Some incentive policies should be announced in advance, rewards will be given at a certain time, goals will be set for each level of the team, plans will be made, and there will be rewards and penalties, so that the team will have passion. In addition to earning rice, they can also get some other material or spiritual rewards, which is a very happy thing. It can be seen that it is very necessary to establish a sound incentive mechanism.