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Featured 05 Apr How to do a good job of customer relationship management?

How to do a good job of customer relationship management?

Customer relationship management is a means to improve customer satisfaction through in-depth analysis of customer big data, through effective interaction and increase stickiness, thereby improving the competitiveness of enterprises. So how can we do customer relationship management well?

1. Discover customer value
What is a customer? Not all buyers are customers in the strict sense, but it is the real customers who repeated purchases and bring continuous profits to the enterprise. Through the establishment of detailed customer files, customer profile analysis, customer loyalty analysis, customer profit analysis, customer performance analysis, customer promotion analysis, according to the analysis to find out the common ground, so as to find the value of customers, for different value customers to take different value of marketing means.

2. Establish the objectives of customer relationship management
The goal of customer management is to shorten the sales cycle and sales costs and increase sales revenue through effective customer relationship management, while finding new markets and channels needed to expand the business, improve customer value, and enhance customer satisfaction and viscosity. On the basis of full analysis and research, we can formulate practical and feasible goals and implement various indicators to each department and individual, so as to implement them more effectively.

3. Establish a sense of full service
The so-called full service awareness is to incorporate the sense of service into the entire work from the leader to the employee, which is the company\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s value. Let it become a mode of thinking, not to stay in the slogan, advocate the use of details to speak. The first is that the enterprise must continue to educate, reminding all employees of the enterprise that the customer is the most important asset of the enterprise, and must sincerely care for the situation and needs of the customer, not just want to sell things to the customer. The second is to provide valuable services to customers or to increase value to customers. Not only stay on the service of this product, but also extend the radius of service and expand the content of service. Create value for customers through valuable services.Once again to meet the individual needs of customers. With the development and progress of society, people pay more attention to the need for individuality. Therefore, it is necessary to develop personalized service content and form according to the characteristics of each customer.

4. Establish a customer relationship management system
Customer relationship management system is the principle of customer relationship management, even if all employees are sincere care for customers, it is still not enough, because everyone in the enterprise in the knowledge, experience, and communication skills are not the same, the effect of service is not the same, so there must be a set of good, standardized customer relationship management system. From customer reception, personalized service to customer service tracking and inspection, so that every link, everyone\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s customer relationship management action is a standard action.

5. Innovate customer relationship management methods
Customer relationship management is not static, but with the development of science and technology and customer demands to constantly update and change, to be good at using all scientific means to manage customers. The first is to increase humanistic feelings. Customer relationship management is ultimately a kind of emotional service, emotional service is not a result, but a process. Let every detail of the customer\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s life be recorded in your customer service system, let the cold product wrap on your passionate process service, let it have temperature, let it produce heat. The second is the use of modern scientific and technological means. Through WeChat, QQ, network platform, email and other channels to enhance customer stickiness, through the enterprise customer platform, to achieve customer information sharing, so that enterprise employees fully understand customer relations, according to customer needs to conduct transactions, record the obtained customer information, the overall planning and evaluation of the market plan, tracking of various sales activities, through a large number of accumulated dynamic data, a comprehensive analysis of the market and sales.