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Featured 20 Apr What are the eight characteristics of a good team?

What are the eight characteristics of a good team?

Forming a team is a way for the rapid development of social e-commerce. Many products are exposed through distribution to build brand awareness. Of course, there is a set of effective methods for team formation in the early stage, fission in the mid-term, and management in the later stage.

What I am sharing is not the team method of traditional companies, but the team building method of social e-commerce. Many companies are learning the team method of social e-commerce, why should they learn? Because many companies have been working for decades to have a stable sales team, and the social e-commerce team can build hundreds of thousands of sales teams in just a few years, which must have different management. methods, more different business ideas, of course, the promotion of the Internet is indispensable.

What I mainly share today is the status that a social e-commerce team should have.

We all know that a social e-commerce team is a micro-business team. What are the conditions of the micro-business team that can support the development of the team? No matter whether the micro-business team you are doing has performance requirements or no performance requirements, there are eight things in common. Today I will share them one by one:

1. Have goals
The topic of goals is a cliché.

Whether it is traditional sales, micro-business marketing, community operations, catering, or physical stores, as long as it is related to sales, a goal will be set.

The goal is a direction for each of us, just like a navigation for us to drive, so I believe that everyone understands the importance of the goal, and everyone also understands that this is very important to us.

The goal is not to give us fear or pressure, but a driving force for us to continue to develop upward, a direction for us to continue to grow. Now in society, if you don’t affect others, others will affect you, so when you really have results , then you can help more people, and others will believe in you. Goals are very important soft power for micro-businesses. I often hear Wang Jianlin say that it is a goal to do 100 million first, and development with goals is the biggest characteristic that all micro-business teams have in common.

2. Centripetal force
What exactly is centripetal force to the micro-business team? It is the ability to be upward and to be good.

The ability to do good is inherent in each of us. For example, when we meet a beggar on the side of the road, we will naturally give him a dollar or two in our pockets, or if we see a vulnerable group Our hard work moved us to tears, such a nature is our kind nature.

The same is true for the entire team. Many people just want to make some money at the beginning. Through the later understanding, the understanding of the industry, and the improvement of personal ability, they will find that people\'s instincts are actually very kind. The person who goes on here must have a kindness in his heart. She wants to help some groups get healthy, or help some groups get what she wants. This is a kind of power.

Everyone in the entire team can bring this kind of kindness to the extreme. When the subconscious is stimulated, our entire team is a team full of gratitude, kindness and positive energy, not just a team with For a team that focuses on interests, the interests are always inexhaustible. Everyone is full of kindness and wisdom. It is very easy for us to do business, because he can resolve whether we encounter rejection or setbacks.

To be upward means that everyone wants to develop, and everyone wants to achieve something. This is the nature of being upward.

Everyone is full of dreams, and everyone wants to have the opportunity to stand out. He is the same with these partners who are engaged in the micro-business industry. He also has such a desire. He also wants to make money and grow through this platform. , this is the upward energy, so a micro-business team must have the energy of good and upward to be able to develop continuously. If it is only the temptation of money or the temptation of profit, the team partners will always leave, that is, we often When it comes to making the team full of positive energy, gratitude and hope.

3. Fighting
Combat effectiveness is the morale of a team. As for morale, I believe that anyone who leads a team understands it very well, just like leading a soldier to a war. The morale of a soldier determines whether the battle can be won or not. In the past, the situation of fighting with more victories and fewer enemies was the result of morale.

For example: The most effective team in China belongs to the Communist Party of China, and now we can see that no matter which TV station it is, there will be films about the struggle and war, and in every film about the war, we will see the Chinese, in order to be able to defend A position, until only one soldier and one soldier are left, must defend such a situation, constantly charging, constantly breaking through, going forward and succeeding, constantly being sacrificed, and even the person who bears the banner at the end, he must dance here. The flying flag is even worse when the person sacrificed, but the flag is still standing here with his support. Such a picture shocks us a lot. We will feel that this team is really unstoppable. What is the reason for this? :

\"The first is because everyone has hope and wants the new China to stand up again and fight the local tyrants to divide the land.\" \"The second: everyone has morale, because if you can\'t hold this position, more people will sacrifice and shed blood. , this is a fight for the belief in the heart.” Similarly, we also saw that during the Chinese civil war, the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang did not have a lot of strength to compete against, but why was the Communist Party able to use so few people to win the Kuomintang? The main reason is that all the Communists have faith and morale, and this is a very successful team.

The same is true for micro-businesses. If the micro-business team wants to develop the team, it must make all partners have faith and hope. Only in this way can a strong fighting force be formed, and everyone’s heart is full of faith and hope. , your team does not need to spend a lot of energy to manage, just take everyone away, and there will be good development. Finally, to sum up: a team with combat effectiveness, he must be a team with faith and hope.

4. Cohesion
Cohesion is an important part of a team. Cohesion, in popular terms, is the power of unity of people and the movement of Mount Tai.

For example, when our team has a common goal, we distribute the goal and dismantle the goal in the team, and when someone needs to cooperate and do it together, no one cooperates and completes it, and there is no impulse for the goal, or If there is no determination to complete the goal, it means that our team cohesion is not enough. How to build cohesion? There are three ways:

One is online, every night to hold an internal training meeting of the core team, to give everyone ideas and solve problems, that is, heart-to-heart communication and communication, so that their hearts can be with you.

Another way is to hold core team meetings offline to solve everyone\'s problems, give ideas and solutions, and achieve the same frequency.

There is another way to go to each partner, communicate with him to help him solve his problems, and find his needs to help him make breakthroughs.

These three methods can quickly achieve the creation of cohesion. We all know that meetings are held, meetings are held, large meetings, small meetings, and no meetings are not held. Meetings are a very important way to unite the core team.

The cohesion of the micro-business team is not very strong, so first of all, you must establish a common goal in the team, secondly, you must know how this goal will help everyone, and then we must make everyone\'s hearts together, you can Only by allowing everyone to achieve their goals can the team be better cohesive. Cohesion is to treat every partner around you with heart.

5. Hematopoietic ability
Hematopoietic ability is the foundation for a team to survive. Of course, this hematopoietic ability does not mean that the team needs to replace new blood, but that the team must have a core business and that the team can survive.

If a team cannot survive and make money, the team will disintegrate sooner or later, no matter how bad or how bad the team is at present, as long as it has the ability to make blood Existence, as long as each partner can survive, he can earn what he wants. It is only a matter of time for the team to grow. The team is a group of people with the same values ​​and frequencies to do one thing or sell a product together. This is a team. The team is not like a gang. He can go anywhere to get money in various ways, but the team needs to use the same method for everyone to achieve a goal and make money in a common way. to the money.

If he can’t make money, he will definitely not survive, and if he can’t survive, the team will definitely not be able to develop. No matter how big your team is, you must have hematopoietic ability yourself, which is the core business we often talk about, this How do you implement your core business? How can more people survive? This is also a question you have to think about when you are a team manager, so the ability of hematopoietic is the ability of the team to survive.

6. Worldview
The world view is everyone\'s existence in this society, his cognition of this society and his views on this society, the same as well as some experiences, experiences and other aspects of his pattern in the society.

When all of us have the same concept, in fact, the team is easy to develop, and it is also easy to form a good combat effectiveness. What is more important is the person who has a world view. His thinking is very active, his pattern is also very large, and cooperation During the process, things went very smoothly, and it was easy for the team to do it, because everyone recognized and recognized each other, and this thing was done with less effort.

If you don’t agree with what you say, everyone will be very tired, so in the process of leading the team, there will definitely be many people with different ideas, that is, the 28th rule, the 28th rule, not 20% of the people are Ok, 80% of the people are bad, only 20% of the people are on the same frequency as you, and 80% are not on the same frequency as you. With such a distinction, we don’t need to force everyone to be with us in the process of leading the team. Same frequency, as long as our goals are the same.

7. Values
Values ​​are that all of us recognize this matter. This is a value, and values ​​are also in everyone\'s heart. What do the values ​​of the micro-business team mean?

It is everyone\'s thinking, understanding, beliefs, hopes, and dreams. We can all be on the same frequency, and we can all realize it on a platform. This is a value of the same frequency.

The simple understanding is that we often say that everyone agrees, and then they all agree with this matter, so they are willing to devote their energy and time to do this thing well. This is a value. Of course, the value is not just These are superficially included, but there are many more. For example, what everyone thinks is that people behave in the world, their charisma, or their ability to be recognized, and their thinking and cognition to be recognized. These are all values.

The team\'s partners are from all over the world, and the quality is uneven. The only reason why everyone can reunite under this team is that everyone has the same value. Fast or slow also depends on our values.

8. Outlook on life
The outlook on life is that each of us has a perception and comprehension of what we know and recognize in our life.

Why are some people so emotional? Some people do not get along well with others? Why do some people dislike others? Why some people don\'t like to be with others? In fact, it does not mean that this person is bad, of course there are also bad ones, it just means that they have different concepts, different cognitions, different understanding and experience of life and his experience, so in the end, after getting along with them, they will discover their entire concept. If it is different, they cannot be together. How can a team form a common outlook on life?

We don\'t need to change everyone\'s thinking, the only thing is to change everyone\'s behavior and subtly influence him, so as to help more people grow and develop, and to form correct values.

In fact, the outlook on life is what is wrong as a human being? Which are correct? What is the right thing to do as a human being? This is a person\'s outlook on life. In team management, the same is true. To help partners establish what is correct and what is wrong. Such a correct outlook on life, that is, the three outlooks we talk about must be correct. .

Excellent team, he must have these eight special effects. If a team does not have these eight characteristics, there will be more or less problems. Of course, a team with these eight characteristics does not mean that he has no problems, but we are in the process of being a sales team. The ultimate can easily resolve other problems, and magnify the advantages to solve all the shortcomings!