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Featured 21 Apr How does the micro business team build a brand?

How does the micro business team build a brand?

What is a brand?
To put it bluntly, let others know that there is such a thing when they mention it, and when others have this need, they can think of you, then this is the brand! We don\'t have to understand what the specific concept of the brand is, just understand what the brand can bring us? What help you bring is enough!

How to achieve the purpose of brand building?
If you want to achieve the purpose of brand building, we need to pay attention to a few points, that is, when branding, what media should we first choose, and what kind of actions do you want to do to let your peers and competitors see? Because our branding needs exposure, where do you expose them so they can see it? We say that branding is for our peers to see, to the entire industry to see, to our potential users to see, so where do we need to create momentum?

How to create a brand:
1. Embed information on the official news portal 
We need to create momentum on some large news websites and portals, such as Sina News, Tencent News, NetEase News, etc. Then this kind of words are in the official news media to carry out this brand promotion, which is a kind of momentum, for the industry to see, let others know that we are the leader in doing this thing! This kind of momentum is to go to the major well-known news portals to establish word of mouth, so that others know that we have done this thing, and others will not want to surpass us! Although it has no legal effect, we can let others see, let the official media see that we have done such a thing, it is a proof!

2. Go to the traffic portal that some users often search for
What does this traffic portal contain? Baidu knows, Baidu Tieba, Baidu library, Zhihu, Douban, etc., then this belongs to some traffic entrances. Let others see us as much as possible on Baidu and other platforms, let others know us when they discuss on Zhihu, and be able to understand us when others go to download Baidu Library Douding Library, which is the second point of momentum!

3. Create a topic
How did this kind of conversation come about? Let the peers know us, cause retweets in the peers to cause discussion, then this is a kind! For example, let the big coffee in the industry forward our relevant information, forward the information we do activities, so that more people can see, this is a manufacturing topic! This kind of manufacturing topic, we need to let others see, then the topic you create can cause the spread, someone spreads it, then eventually we can get more benefits! Of course, we also have to carry out publicity at the same time, such as websites, public platforms, circles of friends, or let celebrities in the industry forward comments, all of which belong to this kind of publicity that creates topics. This is the third point, I hope you understand what kind of thing the manufacturing topic is? What kind of action needs to be done!

4. Show the energy and power of the team 
When we go to build momentum, we must work together, we must be able to unite and show the energy and power of the team. For example, when some companies are doing large-scale anniversary celebrations, everyone in his company will forward the company\'s activities, company announcements, and take the initiative to forward the company\'s information, the company\'s public relations drafts, articles, etc., so that more people can understand their company, so that others can feel their attention and honor! Therefore, if you are the boss of the team, you must make the team work together when operating, in order to form a brand, and the momentum can be more powerful!

5. Know how to choose the right time 
That is to say, when creating momentum, our potential energy must be large enough! It is equivalent to a waterfall pouring all the water down from a very high place, and it needs that majestic momentum. To achieve that momentum, we need more people to help us build momentum together and improve this potential energy together! When the potential energy is available, and then the organized planning is carried out, then this potential energy will show a very big advantage!