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Featured 28 Apr The core functionality of the customer management software

The core functionality of the customer management software

Most businesses generate most of their revenue from new customers, so optimizing lead management is a necessary means to increase sales revenue. Considering that a lead management strategy is a collection of practices and processes, the primary way a customer management software works is to simplify (and even automate, in some parts) these processes. The following are the main working methods and functional features of customer management software.

1. Simplify lead management
In the customer management process, concepts such as preventing order collisions, entering duplicate checks, importing, allocating, and dividing high seas pools are involved. Since prospects are seen as a resource to be fully utilized, these management operations are essential, and excellent customer management software (Know-How CRM) can comprehensively simplify the management of customer profiles.

2. Generate a 360-degree view of the customer
Also known as lead profiles, crm software builds a dataset of leads for your company through built-in and user-defined fields. This data depicts every aspect of a potential customer, including basic information, communication history, interest preferences, transaction history, customer survey feedback, extended information, and more. This information is aggregated in real time in a single page (people in different departments can view the latest information according to their permissions), and because this information can depict customer details without dead ends in theoretical breadth, the page is also known as a 360-degree customer view.

3. Identify lead quality
Not every prospect will buy, with different intents, budgets, buying conditions, and contact weights. Some leads are worth following up on, while others are just a waste of time. Therefore, it is necessary to classify potential customers and automatically identify their level of intent based on their behavior and feedback. Good customer management software can record the feedback and behavior of potential customers and create a scoring system based on these factors to generate a sorted list based on scores.

4. Grasp the progress of potential customers
Converting a lead into a paying customer requires a series of steps that are embodied in the various stages of the sales process. Different stages of potential customers correspond to different sales activities, such as for potential customers in the \"quotation\" stage, salespeople should perform sales activities such as \"eliminating price concerns, highlighting product value, and highlighting the return rate after purchase\". Professional customer management software often integrates sales pipelines, identifies the progress of prospects, and guides salespeople to follow the appropriate steps to push them more smoothly to the next stage.