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Featured 10 May 5 ways for you to quickly recruit micro-business agents

5 ways for you to quickly recruit micro-business agents

Doing business is not an easy task, whether it is a traditional industry or a new industry. Now many micro-businesses are also facing difficulties in recruiting agents. Let\'s share how micro-business recruits agents.

1. Establish your own brand awareness
In all walks of life, fame is the simplest and most brutal magic weapon, no matter how good things are, if they are unknown, they must be ignored, on the contrary, where people flock to them, whether there are good things or not, everyone is willing to come and take a look. Secondly, there must be a certain source of customers. At this point, you can add more friends and send some small ads in some places with large traffic.

2. Guide customers to become agents
If a customer can buy something here, she must like the product and trust you as a person, so the customer is the best choice for developing into an agent. But it\'s worth noting that not all customers are able to become agents.

You don\'t need to ask, \"Do you want to be my agent?\" \", this kind of development can not be achieved, customers feel that they will not buy again when they buy expensive, you can let people take the initiative to find the door in a similar state such as being busy or recruiting agents in order to grow the team. Or alluded to in the chat, don\'t be too blunt.

3. Online and offline interaction
As the saying goes, meet up with others will build a stronger relationship, holding some activities, and meeting your agents for a while will be better compared to meeting with him online for half a day. Because of this, the sense of trust between the two sides is stronger, the viscosity is high, and the agents will not easily jump ship.

4. Comprehensively support agents
Support here means that through your team of mentors, agents can both learn something and make money with peace of mind. It also refers to agency coaching and art support. If the agent store page or product picture is not exquisite enough and not lifelike enough, it is not very attractive to forward. This aspect requires the absolute attention of the brand owner in order to get the agent to follow you.

5. Set a team role model
Becoming an agent leader is not an easy task, first of all, you must lead by example, master a good set of micro-business skills, people are willing to learn from you. Now the novice micro-business no longer values how many entry discounts you can give them, they value more is whether you can teach them the right micro-business marketing skills, take them to develop customers quickly, do you have the patience and attitude to teach them or help them solve problems.

Before the end of the sharing, I once again summarize the small details that must be paid attention to in the process of micro-business recruitment agents. First of all, you can\'t give the agent\'s service, when communicating in the early stage, don\'t promise to promise! But all the support activities promised should be implemented 100% in the later stage! As a result, all agents will take the initiative to find you to cooperate, how do you really follow the ideas I said to execute, are you still worried about not being able to recruit agents?