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Featured 12 May How to be a good micro-business team leader?

How to be a good micro-business team leader?

The leader is the person who plays a leading role in the whole team, the starter who leads the whole team forward, and the commander. Whether a team\'s development direction is good or not depends on the leader\'s policy. Whether a team\'s development prospects are good or not depends on the leader\'s decision-making. A team has little influence in the same industry, depending on how the leader manages? How to be a good micro-business leader?

Doing micro-business is two points: choose products, choose the home. Many micro-businesses think that my products are easy to use, I am using them myself, I am an agent, and there will also be people who will find me to act as an agent. This choice is actually very blind, after all, micro-business is not a traditional e-commerce, relying on the display of products at low prices to attract purchases, doing micro-business is to do their own business, sell their own products, rely solely on the display of products to brush the circle of friends on the dead warp.

So before a person decides to become an agent, not only the product, but more importantly, whether there is a tutor to teach me how to sell the product. At this time, the strength and personal ability of the upper family are very critical. What kind of superior family is more favored?

The reason why your agent follows you is not only to see you post money every day, but your personality charm, your entrepreneurial journey, your tenacious spirit, your patience with the agent, your willingness to teach your own things to the agent, you have the experience of leading a team, helping the agent, etc., are the reasons why others choose you.

So let\'s think about it from another angle now, as a qualified micro-businessman, a professional salesperson, an excellent boss, what characteristics must be possessed?

1. The circle of friends is clean
Contacts friends block you and block you, depending on the quality of your circle of friends. The circle of friends is attractive, and the newcomers who add in will always pay attention to the dynamics of your circle of friends. Doing micro-business circle of friends is the most basic, a clean and neat, flesh and blood circle of friends, everyone loves to watch.

2. Regularly check your own and agent\'s product expertise
If micro-businesses want to have a high turnover rate, they must know the products well, and you can answer whatever people ask, so that the other party can think that you are very professional. Empathetic thinking, when it comes to clarifying what products you need, who are you willing to be sold by? Is it the kind of micro-merchant seller who waits for half a day when asked, or can answer your question immediately and help you remove your doubts?

3. Regular sales knowledge training
Micro-business, in fact, is the marketing process, many times the words are not passed, will make a lot of intended agents and buyers lose. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly train agents on sales knowledge, sort out courseware training for the weak links of agents, and explain training to them for problems that cannot be solved by agents. After the training to supervise the implementation of the agent, if there is an unenterprising agent, then you can have the corresponding reward and punishment, or you can let the agent drive the agent.

4. Innovative sales
The new things in the circle of friends, using real-time hotspots and explosive points, to attract the attention of the circle of friends, so that more people pay attention to you and become interested in you. The forms of micro-business are changing, if you use methods that have been used by others, do you think it will be attractive?

So as soon as you have a new idea, immediately teach the following agents to execute, to seize the opportunity. Always be vigilant!

5. Face up to the right relationship between yourself and the agent
I think the relationship between the upper family and the agent is not the relationship between the boss and the subordinate like the enterprise unit, there is no subordinate relationship, only the cooperative relationship, mutual help and support, mutual benefit, and common growth. So I generally don\'t call it an agent, but A small partner, because my agent is my partner, we have a common belief, do a common cause. Achieve a win-win situation together.

6. Connections cannot be broken
Connections don\'t change, dead powders don\'t clear, new live fans don\'t enter, and no new people pay attention to you. Don\'t think that adding people is just what novice micro-businessmen want to do, in fact, as long as you do micro-business, you have to constantly change new blood for your own network, not only to learn how to increase accurate networks, but also to provide effective drainage channels for agents. Another point is that because the 5,000 people with the most contacts can\'t make everyone pay attention to you and like you, you have to regularly clean up those who don\'t pay attention to you and never interact with you in the middle of it.

7. Keep up with the trend of micro-business
In the past, micro-business will only be more branded, team-oriented, to create a personal brand, the team to help each other, with the help of team fame, before the micro-business tide comes, circle their own fish pond. If you are still fighting alone and pursuing blockbusters, then you will definitely be eliminated. Often convey the dynamics of micro-business, can reflect that you are a professional micro-business, the entire industry is very concerned, understand, of course, if you can add your own unique insights to each industry news is better, rather than the kind of content that is arbitrarily forwarded.

8. Proficient in sales
(1) Enrich their professional product knowledge;
(2) Enrich sales knowledge.

Micro-business is the need for negotiation skills, then it is closely related to your sales knowledge, if you even have problems with communication, then the road to micro-business is very bumpy. Only if you enrich yourself, understand a lot of product-related knowledge, or the knowledge of peer competitors, and are more proficient in a certain field, can you make the following people admire you, serve you, and thus follow you. You have to establish the image of an old driver and an idol in the minds of others.

Many people think that these words will be said, but very few people do it. Among so many micro-businesses, you go to execute, every link is done well, there will definitely be many people willing to follow you. Do simple things repeatedly and you are the expert.