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Featured 01 Jul What is better for micro-businesses to do now? What products are

What is better for micro-businesses to do now? What products are

Each product also has its own advantages and disadvantages, really not good, which is the most promising. Products with large demand may also compete largely, and products with small competition may have a small audience. Therefore, micro-business has developed for such a long time, six or seven years, it is difficult to say what products are the most promising. In the process of selecting products, taking into account several points, in general, there will be no major mistakes in the selection of this piece.

1. The quality of the product
This should not require me to elaborate too much, the product quality must be guaranteed. Only with good product quality can customers have the opportunity to repurchase. Otherwise, it is a one-time customer, and it is very tiring to do it yourself. To be a micro-business, you still need to manage customers and accumulate contacts, not for one-time transactions. Therefore, when you choose a product, you must choose the source of goods carefully. If you really don’t know the quality of the other party’s source of goods, you can take a product and experience it yourself. You may spend a little money at the beginning, but only the products you have really experienced and approved products will be more confident to sell.

2. The product has a wide audience and a large market demand
Wechat products are dazzling, but some things have a too narrow audience, which is not conducive to our sales. No matter what you sell, it will be easier to do it if you are in line with market demand. For example, skin care products, cosmetics for girls, such as fruits, such as shoes and clothing, are considered to be in relatively large market demand. Of course, there are many other industries that you can study.

3. There must be perfect after-sales service
The reason why many people don't believe in micro-business is because many micro-businesses did not have any after-sales service before, the user experience was not good, and the network was damaged. Since we choose to be a micro-business, in fact, just like the physical store business, we must do a good job of after-sales service and maintain customers well, so that the business can last for a long time. As I said before, good after-sales service and good maintenance of old customers can increase the repurchase rate, and even old customers will continue to introduce new customers.

4. The repurchase rate is relatively high
I have met a lot of micro-businesses, and I have been doing it for a long time, but the sales performance has not been improved, and there has been no growth. What is the problem with many people? is the repurchase rate . In business, the repurchase rate and referrals of old customers are very important. For micro-businesses, making products with a high repurchase rate will be a little more difficult at the beginning. As time goes on, The more customers you accumulate, even if you don’t divert traffic, there are still customers who place orders every day. But if there is no repurchase rate, you need to spend a lot of time and energy to continuously expand the source of customers.

Like my shoes, when I first started a month or two, it was possible that all the deals were made by new customers. But after that, old customers continued to repurchase, and there were even frequent referrals. The turnover rate of old customers and referral customers is very high. Usually, they place an order directly. They will not have as many problems as new customers. Therefore, in general, I am willing to spend more time and energy to maintain good old customers, and the benefits they can bring are endless.

In fact, this is how it is to be a micro-business. You must make products with a repurchase rate. In this way, after you have been doing it for half a year or more, you hardly need to divert traffic. The repurchase and referral of old customers can make your business continue, and your sales will continue. Performance will continue to grow.