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Featured 14 Jul 5 solutions to fostering the cohesion of the micro-business team

5 solutions to fostering the cohesion of the micro-business team

When a micro-business develops to a certain stage, there will be bottlenecks, and the bottleneck will generally appear in the team. The core of micro-business is that the foundation of fission and fission is people. Therefore, when the fission reaches a certain level, team management is particularly important. micro-business merchants are not subject to geographical restrictions, and agents can be distributed all over the country. But then there will be a problem, that is, most people do not know each other, lack of communication, and lack of team awareness. This kind of team is a loose team and has no combat effectiveness. In the early stage, it may be driven by interests to form a team. However, if there is no effective management, when faced with the temptation of greater interests, the team will be divided. In the final analysis, it is because the team It has never really established the cohesion of the team itself. Such a team seems to be united, but it is actually equivalent to a mess.

How to build a cohesive team?

1. Establish a company in each team
The relationship between the micro-business teams is a pyramid-shaped group built between agents and agents. Only the superiors and subordinates of the team know each other, because they are all friends and lack systematic management. Therefore, in order to build a cohesive team, a branch must be established between each team, and the branch should be built on the company.

Team training courses include team cohesion courses, team execution courses, team building courses, team strategic goal setting courses, team values ​​courses and team discipline and culture courses.

2. Establish a team culture and mechanism to form a strong and effective cohesion
A team allows team members to form a centripetal force through culture, and members join because of a common goal, so it is necessary to focus on the team culture and establish a team mechanism.

3. Set team goals
Conduct corporate operations, follow up the team\'s expertise, hold regular meetings and training, set monthly goals, break down goals, and assign responsibilities to individuals, each based on their own connections Circles and specialties set goals and help each other in the process of achieving them. Set common goals, team cooperation is the foundation, goals, action plans, and resolute implementation; there must be a common value orientation, and learn to tell stories.

4. Establish a benchmark 
The specific implementation steps are as follows.

• Create a team benchmark, self-star propaganda
In the process of team development, commend the team members who have performed particularly well and have outstanding performance, set up models, and publicize them in the group or in team meetings/training, so that outstanding people are on stage. Share successful experiences, let other members learn, and drive team members to conduct business through learning.

• Self-star packaging for team members
Set up self-star packaging awards. For those who achieve a certain performance, the team will carry out commendation packaging, boosting, and get certain dissemination and rewards in spirit and honor.

• Carry out the help mode
After new members join the team, they not only participate in systematic training to understand the products, but also need to arrange an old member to help, so that the new agents can enter the role as soon as possible, learn more about the product knowledge, and be familiar with the marketing skills of micro-business , successfully complete the order or recruit an agent.

To build an efficient micro-business iron army, we must establish new concepts and let everyone know: unity is strength, cooperation can create greater value, and mutual help can help us grow.

5. Establish a shared vision 
Shared vision is the integration of team members\' personal aspirations, a vision of what team members desire in their hearts.

The three elements of the vision: goals, values, and mission.

There are three levels of vision: the organization\'s big vision, the team\'s small vision, and the personal vision.

Create team spirit with the help of corporate culture, team spirit includes: role awareness of the team: let each team member recognize their own role and play their own strength; team members\' sense of equality: the top and bottom are the same, no individual treatment; team members\' sense of responsibility : Clear responsibilities and resolute obedience; Team members\' sense of division of labor: clear division of labor and well-organized.

When there is a conflict between team members, it is necessary to face the conflict and resolve the conflict. Generally speaking, conflict situations that may arise in a micro-business team include goal conflict, process conflict, and relationship conflict. In the face of conflicts, the most important thing is to communicate effectively. Team leaders should analyze the reasons for dissatisfaction on both sides, and channel and mediate them. The principle of the team should be \"active communication, effective cooperation\", communication is the first, if there is no communication, there will be no feelings between team members, and without feelings, there will be no cooperation. No communication will not help each other, no help, go it alone.