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Featured 19 Oct Purpose of New Employee Orientation

Purpose of New Employee Orientation

Enterprises need to conduct new employee training after new employees join the company. What is the main purpose of new employee training for enterprises? Entering a new environment, how to adapt and integrate in the new environment? And effectively carry out work? Job responsibilities It is often not the main content of new employee training. The new employee training usually organized by the human resources department is mainly to help employees integrate. The new employee training often has the following six purposes:

1. Understand the surrounding working and living environment
After new employees join the job, they will be relatively unfamiliar with the surrounding environment. Training may help them understand the surrounding working environment; understand the various things that the company should know and understand; understand the organizational structure of the company and the work cooperation between various departments; know the company\'s Various rules and regulations; even know the dining place, parking place, the location and use of the pantry, etc. Don\'t think that these details are not important, this is the basis for employees to work steadfastly.

2. Understand job expectations
New employee training helps employees understand the company\'s expectations for their work, what results they expect you to achieve at work, and what performance you achieve in order to be recognized by the company.

3. Understand the workflow
Work requires team collaboration and cooperation. New employee training helps employees understand which other departments they need to collaborate with at work, and how to get help within the company when encountering various difficulties.

4. Reduce employee turnover
New employees are most likely to be lost within 3 months of entry. The loss of employees will bring huge cost losses. Not only will there be problems in the connection of work, but also the increase in recruitment costs.

5. Promote professionalism
Some companies will also train some workplace common sense and some common work skills in new employee training, such as basic professional ability and workplace common sense such as brainstorming, empathy, problem solving, etc., to help new employees achieve professionalization standard.

6. Understand the company culture
New employee training helps employees understand: what kind of behavior is recognized and encouraged by the company; what kind of behavior is not approved by the company; what kind of performance will be recognized by the company and so on. Only when all employees behave according to a unified standard, can everyone reach a consistent judgment and produce a unified behavior when working and doing things. Different companies have different purposes for new employee training. The organization of new employee training content must be closely related to the training purpose in order to achieve the desired purpose.