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Featured 28 Oct Leaders are busy and employees are idle, what should they do?

Leaders are busy and employees are idle, what should they do?

Busyness does not mean high efficiency. People in the workplace seem to be busy, but busyness and efficiency are not equal, let alone success. In many teams, the leader is always busy, but the subordinates seem to have nothing to do. A leader who is always on the go is certainly a responsible leader, but not necessarily a competent leader. How can I free myself from the busy state? Leaders can try to do this.

1. Reasonable allocation of tasks
Some leaders, because they are afraid that their subordinates are not competent enough, will have problems of one kind or another in their work, so they think about handling the problems themselves. This kind of thinking is wrong. Because every successful leader has a group of outstanding employees. In your day job, your task is to assign work to the right people. Instruct them how to deal with it. If you are a leader who cares about everything, you will never see how capable the people under you are. This way you are always just a busy leader. Therefore, rationally assigning tasks to employees is the first thing a qualified leader needs to do.

2. Reassure employees and supervise
When we treat our employees, we can actually trust them with confidence, but this does not mean that you can leave your work to them and then ignore everything, which is absolutely impossible. An excellent leader has absolute trust in his subordinates on the surface, so that after giving the decision-making power, he must firmly control every matter and every key point in secret. In this way, employees can develop the ability to work independently, reduce their workload, and ensure that tasks are completed.

3. Refuse to be a \"good guy\"
If a gentle-tempered leader is embarrassed to refuse, he will easily become soft on everyone. If you indulge one of them in the team, then the rest of your team will follow suit. Anyway, the reason Leaders come to the bottom. This is the famous broken window effect. Once the system is opened, the impact will be fatal in the long run.

The above are just a few ways to deal with the leader\'s busy employees. However, the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail. Because the team is different, the solutions that need to be led are also different. Choosing the appropriate solution is more conducive to solving the problem. If you choose the wrong method, it may arouse the rebellious psychology of employees, and sometimes the opposite effect is often achieved, so the correctness of the method is equally important.