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Featured 08 Nov Skills and methods to be a good micro-business

Skills and methods to be a good micro-business

The threshold for micro-business is very low, but you can’t always think about money as a micro-business. Maybe many people have started to do micro-business. Some people make money through micro-business, but there are also some people who do not have much to do with micro-business. improvement. If you want to be a successful micro-business, you must master some marketing and promotion skills, otherwise you will be out! In fact, being a micro-business is not as simple as online promotion. Only by doing it with heart can you reap the rewards. Below I will share with you some tips on how to run a small business.

1. Build your own brand
The trust of micro-business users is very important. In order to gain the trust of more users, many micro-businesses have begun to create their own brands. For example, the avatars of products use their own logos, and the name of the micro-business is used as the brand trademark. It\'s also easier to set up your social media platform by simply setting the name of the social media platform to be your brand\'s name. There are also some Wechat merchants who use their photos as avatars on social media platforms to impress the other party more deeply. No matter which method you choose, wechat merchants hope to make customers remember themselves quickly.

2. The content is true
Some micro-businesses forward most of their content from other businesses without any modification, and forward these content directly to their own circle of friends, which is very easy to be ignored. If micro-businesses merchants want to manage their own circle of friends, the content on social media platforms must be authentic and distinctive. In addition to sending information about some products, the social media platform Moments also send some bits and pieces of their own lives, showing the real side of their lives in front of everyone. After all, everyone\'s lifestyle is different, so let friends in the circle of friends understand their real life, so as to deepen the trust in micro-business.

3. Find target customers
For micro-businesses, no matter how good the products they sell, everything they do without customers is in vain. If a micro-business wants to find a target customer, first of all, it can copy its friends directly to the social media platform. Some of the friends in the circle of friends on the social media platform are friends that they know. These people trust themselves and do not need to spend a long time on their own. time to build trust with customers.

Merchants must first determine the target sales group based on the products they sell. For example, if you sell face masks, you can directly target women who are 18 to 40 years old. These users like to use social media platforms to chat very much, so when businesses promote, they can add their social media platform numbers to the product promotion pages.

4. Share useful content
To be a micro-business, you must know how to share useful content. Through daily sharing, you can increase your exposure. Micro-businesses don’t necessarily have to introduce their products every day, but they can also share some product-related knowledge. For example, the business sells face masks, so there is no need to advertise face masks every day. Instead, you can advertise the correct use of face masks and precautions to your friends on social media platforms, and you can also share some skin care tips.

Although the threshold for micro-business is very low, you also need to master skills if you want to do well in micro-business. Being a micro-business is not as simple as everyone thinks. Micro-businesses need to accurately grasp the needs of customers and use their spare time to recommend their own products. In the process of normal sales, micro-businesses can use these skills introduced by social media platforms to make it easier for micro-businesses to sell products.