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Featured 23 Mar How do micro-businesses cultivate core agents?

How do micro-businesses cultivate core agents?

The micro-business belt team is very hard. The reason is that you have no way! The reason is that you do not have a set of systematic training, the reason is that you do not have a set of replicable systems, most people, for the development of the team, almost exhausted, but in the end found that the team really wants to do a good job of micro-business, in fact, there are very few.
I don't know if everyone who is reading this article now has encountered such a situation, and have you thought about how to solve these problems?

In the next step, we will explore with you in detail, three key issues.

1. There are so many agents in the team, what kind of agents are more worth cultivating 
The reason why the problems mentioned above occur in the team is actually largely because the team leader has not accurately positioned each agent. But anyone with a team may encounter this kind of agent: in the agent group, it does not bubble for several days.

Why are these agents so negative and where are the problems?
I have carefully analyzed this problem for 3 reasons:
• Being an agent itself is only a whim, and the focus of life is still family or work, so it will not go all out;
• Being an agent is only for the team boss, when the team grows, the boss does not care enough about himself, and he begins to perfunctory the work of the agent;
• Only because of the product to become an agent, so there is no attention to sales, of course, usually also diving.

In fact, often not bubbling is only a symptom, but the deeper problem is: insufficient execution. These kinds of agents, even if the managers work hard to improve their marketing ability, often do not have too much positive impact on the development of the team's career.

Talking so much, I actually want to tell managers that if you want to cultivate agents, please give priority to those who have more time and energy to fight with you. To identify objects worth cultivating, choose from those who are often active in the group and are often eager to answer questions for others.

2. Whether the agent is an employee or a partner
For subordinate agents, no matter what level they are, it is important to remember one thing: they are not employees, they are partners.

Note that the partnership I am emphasizing refers to ideologically. That is, on the surface you are in a superior-subordinate relationship, but on the level of consciousness, you are partners.

Why do many newcomers to micro-business choose to give up just a week? Because their boss did not fulfill the responsibility of education!

Many bosses directly drop the group after recruiting agents, and do not teach how to lead new agents to warm up for micro-business. As a result, the agent does not understand anything, and will only send crazy hard advertisements in the circle of friends all day, and the result is that within two days, it is all blocked and blocked.

As the manager of the team, we must be clear: the team is a cooperative relationship, do not feel that these things should be the subordinate agent to take the initiative to communicate with us, do not put their position too high. You know, all teams are made up of subordinate agents, without them, the team will definitely collapse, without them, we can't develop micro-business business.

After recruiting an agent, we must communicate more, understand more, and at least provide our advice for her career start- If we never understand the agent and do not take the initiative to communicate with the agent, it will not only make her blindly take a detour on the road of micro-business, but also bring losses to the entire team.

Therefore, on the surface, maintain a superior-subordinate relationship, and the underlying consciousness should be to get along with partners, and understand each other's more suitable business methods in communication.

Only when we and the agent always maintain the same frequency thinking, the relationship and atmosphere of the team will be better and better, when the relationship between the team is getting closer, our agent will have the motivation and willingness to do better, and work together for the development of the team. In short, it is important to remember that agents are not employees, so be sure to think about problems and solve problems from the perspective of the other party.

3. What limits the development of your team
Many people will use the team's standards to measure themselves, limit themselves, and demand themselves, such as the replenishment requirement is a box, they will feel that they can only sell one box. But those successful micro-businesses have never had standards, because they are standards. Many people who can't stick to it will question whether the market for this product is not good, whether the team I stayed in is not good, in short, everything is a team problem.

They never formed their own judgment mechanisms. People who really think hard will not affect themselves because of others, and they will not give up because others do not do it. They often have this mentality: my boss does not do good things, maybe I can do better than her.

Every team will have negative people, and the key depends on what mentality we use to cope with and deal with it. Some people lead the team, and people who encounter negative energy directly remove the group, say nothing, or a stinky scolding. But we have thought about why this person has negative emotions? What is it about him that creates negative emotions? Is it because you can't sell the goods, or are you experiencing other problems in selling the goods?

It is very normal for agents to have negative emotions, because people are emotional animals, and it is likely that they will cause a mental collapse due to some small problems, coupled with lack of experience, it is more difficult to adjust and rebuild a healthy mentality.

If his boss does not take the initiative to communicate and adjust the mentality of the agent, it will lead to the deepening of misunderstandings, the loss of agents, and the decline in team performance. So many times we must analyze and decompose in many ways , I believe that no agent has taken the goods and does not want to make money. It can only be that he can't sell or doesn't know how to move forward, so we should give him direction and practical methods, rather than blindly blaming him or even abandoning him directly.