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Featured 24 Mar 6 rules for the successful start of micro-business

6 rules for the successful start of micro-business

No matter what field, it is not an easy task to do well and achieve the ultimate.

The same is true for micro-business, if you want to do a good micro-business, you must have a correct idea and playing style before starting.

Today, let's share a set of correct starting ideas, which will be effective after learning.

The correct starting idea is like this, first choose a good product with potential, develop a complete starting plan, and then create a strong operation team. Finally, there must be sufficient start-up capital and seed users.

Specifically, the following points are as follows:

1. Selection
Many brands have asked me the question of product selection, and my suggestion is: do the product that users understand in seconds. Before the brand side made a new and peculiar product, the gimmick is there, but the user does not have the habit of using this product, the brand side needs to spend a lot of effort to educate consumers to use the benefits of the product, and ultimately can not sell.

The selection of products determines the success or failure of 80% of a project, many brands do not understand the meaning of this sentence, in fact, the micro-e-commerce industry has such a formula: the selection > model > operation. The product is selected correctly, and the model and operation can play a better role.

In this regard, we have helped many brands to avoid many detours. Many brands choose some of the more difficult products before coming to us.

I can't say I can't do it, but it's certainly very difficult. It is recommended to enter a new industry, be sure to choose a product that is easy to do and has the opportunity to make it bigger. Choose > effort.

Here are two ideas:

• Mass consumption: just need, high frequency, repetition, large category, strong pain point, no education. (Food, clothing, shelter, food, drink and fun, such products are indispensable to life.
• Private customization: scarcity, premium, value added. (Jewelry, jade...) Such a product does not depreciate)

2. Humanized system
The sales model of micro-business relies on the fission of goods and information flows in the crowd, which can also be simply understood as the distribution of benefits.

We will see the system as a game, the essence of the game is actually an addictive system, we need to formulate a system according to the greed of human nature in the process of designing this system, step by step, so that we and the agent, and consumers to form a community of interests.

3. Start the investment model
As soon as many brands find me, they say to me: I have good products, scientific model mechanism, but there are too few agents, and the goods cannot be sold at all, what to do? This is indeed a serious problem, I have seen some brands because the goods can not sink, and finally hang up directly.

A brand founder, half a year ago, started a new product by himself, but did not find a professional trading agency. In the past six months, through their own exploration, they have also recruited some agents, but now the feeling of investment has encountered a bottleneck and cannot be moved.

She talked to me for a long time, and I also gave her some trading advice, but these trading suggestions did not fundamentally help her to improve the bottlenecks she was currently encountering. Because she has not done micro-business, through her own exploration, the brand has also supported for half a year, which is not easy. However, by analyzing her current brand situation, it should still be in the starting period, which is the limitation of the brand side to explore the starting plate.

She asked me: What should I do now?

I think the best thing for all brands asking this question is to find a trusted service agency to help you operate. If you still blindly speculate on the operation, the brand product is estimated to directly enter the recession period from the starting stage.

Of course, we have already taken over this classmate's brand, and we are currently helping her adjust her investment policies, build a brand business school, and tap investment resources.

Later, we found from the brand's investment resource relationship combing that the founder of this brand has a lot of strong relationships and investment resources around the relationship, using some of the investment copy and strategies we gave, can be easily converted, but she did not realize that these resources can still be used by me.

4. Seed agent
The refined operation in the early stage of the starting determines the height of the starting plate, which is repeated many times, but there are still many traders who still do not know how to achieve refinement. The biggest headache for micro- business is how to recruit the first batch of seed agents, in fact, as long as the direction is right, the rest is the step problem.

The first batch of seed agents is a key link in the entire starting system. Specifically, it is: the training of seed agents (recruitment agents, shipments); the founders live broadcast online (to help recruit agents); the provision of written practical steps (conducive to replication); and the continuous activity policy! Before the start, it is necessary to plan out the activities of the next 30 days and 90 days in advance in order to grasp the gold three months after the start.

5. Heavy training
Even the best mechanism must be implemented by training. WeChat is the largest company in history with the fewest managers, and the connections between personnel are weak, which need to be continuously activated and strengthened through training, and training is also the only management means for micro-business.

The training is mainly for the company, team, individual three aspects. The company\\\\\\\'s training is mainly management, sales, investment; Teams are formed, fissioned and cohesive; Individuals are growth, turnover, and agency. In the early stage, you can use third-party service agencies to quickly establish a training system. In the later stage, you can set up your own business school, set up courses, and create a lecturer system.

For the zero-based traditional enterprise transformation micro-business, it is necessary to understand this set of starting process, and to flexibly apply it to their own brands, but also to prepare finely, the project can be operated with half the effort and develop rapidly.

6. Do not fight unprepared battles
Nowadays, many friends who do traditional business, seeing the development of micro-business in recent years, also want to join the army of micro-businessmen; especially the boss who has his own factory or has a product supply.

The most common practice is to create a micro-business brand of your own, through the micro-business channel, open your own sales channels. Here we remind everyone that entering the micro-business channel must be rational and calm, and do not be blind.

First of all, we must understand product pricing, brand momentum, marketing nodes, team structure, and core team construction. Agent control, employee training, online delivery, offline drainage, and other module content. Be prepared before starting, after all, the refinement of preparation determines the height of your starting point.